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Content Controller

Phpillip provides a default ContentController that supports 3 actions:

  • show: Display a single content (suited for single content)
  • list: Display a full list of content (suited for content list)
  • page: Display one page of a paginated content list (suited for pagination)


To register a controller that displays a single achievement:

    ->get('/achievements/{achievement}', 'content.controller:show')

The expected template achievement/show.html.twig would receive the variable achievement.


To register a controller that displays all achievements:

        ->get('/achievements', 'content.controller:list')

The expected template achievement/list.html.twig would receive the variable achievements.


To register a controller that paginates achievements:

        ->get('/achievements', 'content.controller:page')

The expected template achievement/page.html.twig would receive the following variables:

  • achievements: Achievements for the current page
  • page: Index of the current page
  • pages: Total number of pages