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Retrieving content

The content repository

The content repository service is responsible for fetching your content. You'll find it in the Application under the content_repository key:


When parsing a content, the repository returns an associative array with the following keys:

Property Presence Description
slug Added if not provided Slug, based on the source file name
lastModified Added if not provided Last modification of the source file
date Parsed if provided If a date property exists, parse it as DateTime
weight Parsed if provided If a date property exists, parse it as DateTime
content Added for Markdown files Content of the Markdown file, converted to HTML
... Provided Any other key present in the source file

Need more/differents properties? You can add your own

Fetching content

Get a single content

The getContent method expects a content type and a content name. It returns a single content:

// Get a content matching `my-content.*` contents in 'src/Resources/data/foo':
$app['content_repository']->getContent('foo', 'my-content');

// Result:
    'slug'         => 'my-content',
    'lastModified' => DateTime,
    // ... Any other key present in the source file

Get all contents

The getContents method expect a content type and return all its contents:

// Get all contents in 'src/Resources/data/foo':

// Result:
    'my-content'       => ['slug' => 'my-content', 'lastModified' => DateTime, ...],
    'my-other-content' => ['slug' => 'my-other-content', 'lastModified' => DateTime, ...],
    // ...

In a list, the contents are indexed by default by their source file name (a.k.a slug).

Indexing and ordering contents

Say you have a post content that contains a date property, you can get all the posts indexed by date:

// Get all contents in 'src/Resources/data/post' indexed by 'date':
$app['content_repository']->getContents('post', 'date');

// Result:
    1441836000 => ['date' => DateTime, 'slug' => 'my-first-post', ...],
    1443474500 => ['date' => DateTime, 'slug' => 'my-second-post', ...],
    // ...

A third parameter is provided to sort the resulting array:

// Get older post first ('date' ascending):
$app['content_repository']->getContents('post', 'date', true);

// Get latest post first ('date' descending):
$app['content_repository']->getContents('post', 'date', false);